Reno Comic Con— Now with more FREE HODABEAST!
Reno — the birthplace of Cool Jerk and Doc Splatter — is hosting its second-annual comic convention next week, and Cool Jerk will once again be there!
Reno Comic Con — part of a series of conventions put on by Wizard World — will commandeer the Reno-Sparks Convention Center this Friday through Sunday, Nov. 20-22. I’ve been given the status of “Special Guest” so that means free limo and I get to cut to the front of any buffet line in town.
I’ll have copies of all my Cool Jerk books, including the Jerkopædia— The Official Visual Style Guide to Cool Jerk which debuted this summer. Further, I’ll have all sorts of Cool Jerk effluvia you’d expect to see at a comic-con, such as Canvas Panels, t-shirts, sketchbooks, posters, buttons and stickers. Doc Splatter Ominous Omnibus? Hell yeah I have those, too! All items are going to be discounted so THIS IS DEFINITELY THE TIME TO SHOP! Nevada sales tax? I got your back— it’s all part of the price!
I mentioned FREE HODABEAST (Cool Jerk Vol. 1), so here’s the deal: I’ll have 10 copies to give away each day… FREE with any purchase and if you LIKE! Cool Jerk on Facebook!

Join the club!
Buy a book? Free Hodabeast. T-shirt? Free Hodabeast. A $1 glow-in-the-dark Cool Jerk button YOU CHEAPSKATE? Free Hodabeast. That’s a $12 value, friend… a perk of being a fellow Northern Nevadan.
Need directions? Here’s a locator I whipped up while eating an Awful-Awful.
So bring your Christmas shopping list and some folding money (I also take credit cards) and come by the Cool Jerk outpost C-35 in Artists Alley, on the right side of Hall 2 back by the celebrity veal pens. Remember: Only 10 free Hodabeasts per day, so plan accordingly!
Friday, Nov. 20: 3pm-8pm
Saturday, Nov. 21: 10am-7pm
Sunday, Nov. 22: 11am-5pm
Hey there, Paul. I got your books at Reno comic con last month and it’s probably my favorite purchase from the whole weekend. I remember some of the strips from when I was in junior high when it was in the Reno paper. Keep up the good work!
Did I hear right? No Reno ‘con next year? You’ll have to have a book signing or something instead. Maybe at UNR or Sundance or the comic shop on Moana? Keep us in the loop! (btw I’m the redhead mom with the two boys who kept laughing at the canvases on your table 😉 I signed up for your mailer.)