DOCtoberFest 2011 in the can
November 3rd, 2011
Everyone knows October is Doc Splatter’s favorite month, and each year he celebrates DOCtoberFest with brand-new Gore Score comics. Subscribers to the weekly Cool Jerk emailer have been kept abreast of The Doc’s weekly shenanigans. But I know many people visit the home page yet don’t (yet) subscribe to the weekly Cool Jerk emailer, so I figure I should pop all the new strips onto the blog. Just click on a strip and it’ll take you to the appropriate page.
The Doc gets schooled! (Actual letter!)
Ode to Adrienne Barbeau and her 1980s perm!
Doc Splatter put it to a vote— who’s the reigning Queen of Darkness?? (Actual letter!)
Fun month of strips! BUT– The Doc needs to show up more often than each October. Just sawin.’
Good series of strips! I loves the boobies, so each one was right in my wheel house (even the Maleficient one)!
Your Elvira drawings slay me.
Yay more Doc!!