Cool Jerk @ Reno Pop Culture Con 2019

Reno — the birthplace of Cool Jerk and Doc Splatter — is hosting a comic convention this weekend, and Cool Jerk will be there!

Reno Pop Culture Con — a spin-off from the wildly popular Denver Pop Culture Con — will commandeer the Reno-Sparks Convention Center this Friday through Sunday, Nov. 8-10. I’ve been given the status of “Special Guest” so that means free limo and I get to cut to the front of any buffet line in town. Yes, even Circus Circus.

I’ll have copies of all my Cool Jerk books, including a small quantity of the limited edition, three-volume sets of my UNR college strip Like, For Shore!, all digitally remastered in lovely graphite. These are the strips that begat Cool Jerk, and no one AND I MEAN NO ONE has seen them all in their entirety like this! They’re a limited print run of 75 so be sure to put this top on your list!

Further, I’ll have all sorts of Cool Jerk effluvia you’d expect to see at a comic-con, such as Canvas Panels, t-shirts, enamel pins and other comics (Jerkopaedia, The Mightily Marvelous Cool Jerk Fun Book Vol. 1, The Girl Who Kicked the Donut Habit). Doc Splatter Ominous Omnibus? Hell yeah I have those, too! THIS IS DEFINITELY THE TIME TO SHOP! Nevada sales tax? I got your back. It’s all part of the price, friend… a perk of being a fellow Northern Nevadan.


Need directions? Here’s a locator I whipped up while eating an Awesome-Awesome.

So bring your Christmas shopping list and some folding money (I also take credit cards) and come by the Cool Jerk outpost J1 (Jay-one) in Artists Valley, on the right side of the hall en route to the celebrity veal pens.

Friday, Nov. 8: 10am-7pm
Saturday, Nov. 9: 10am-7pm
Sunday, Nov. 10: 10am-5pm

  1. BrianZerats says:

    Love your comics, Paul!

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