Thank you, Utah!
I’m back from another terrific Denver Comic Con and thoroughly exhausted. That’s a 16-hour drive from San Diego and somewhat foolhardy to attempt in one clip… let alone doing it again three days later! It’s too bad I missed last year (due to kidney stone situation) as I’d be able to claim an uninterrupted run of Denver shows, but alas. Once again, I’m amazed at how many attendees show their “colors”— either in full cosplay (matching the exact costume/appearance of a character), partial cosplay (carrying a comic prop/wearing zombie makeup but otherwise dressed normally) or just wearing comic/pop culture t-shirts, hats or other items.
Thanks to everyone who came by the table to buy some Cool Jerk stuff or just to check out my comics and say hi. And special thanks to the visually talented sibling team of Justin Orr and Hilary Orr (who I partnered with on securing tables this year) and to longtime friend Monica Mendoza, who filled in for Darlene as my table slave. Much appreciated! And now, onto the pix:
Staring things off with X-23 (the grown-up comics version of lil’ Laura from “Logan”) and Shaggy, I guess…?
Couple straight outta the Twilight Zone! (Specifically, the “Eye of the Beholder” episode.)
Cosplay team goals! Here are the Powerpuff Girls…
…and the Maitlands from “Beetlejuice.” Wish I got a better pic, but you’ll just barely see Barbara is holding the Handbook for the Recently Deceased.
No exaggeration, I saw probably 7-8 distinctly different couples cosplaying Beast Boy and Raven… but these two were the best.
Bill Cosby’s hung jury legal battle had just barely left the news cycle when HEY HEY HEY Fat Albert shows up.
New buddy Sarina Garcia (we have several mutual friends, at least one of whom told her to seek out Cool Jerk at DCC), wearing the latest in Joker/Duela Dent fashion.
Meet Jennifer Walters— part-time lawyer and full-time She-Hulk.
Not 100% certain, but I think the hulked-out She-Hulk (previous pic) also cosplayed Scarlet Witch the next day (seen here with comics husband Vision).
Denver Comic Con wouldn’t be the same without Isabelle and Alexx (and their hostage, far right). Isabelle usually comes as Firestorm but this year she changed it up and cosplayed Huntress Wizard from “Adventure Time.”
Behold… the Grandmaster! (At the time of this photo, I was the only one who ID’d this dude correctly.)
Not all cosplay is comics-, science fiction-, or fantasy-related… or even recent! Here’s Tippi Hedren from “The Birds.”
Here’s an obligatory Disney princess… Megara! (That hairdo is on point!)
Captain Britain and Queen Saturnyne (WOW that’s obscure!) came by the table. For their totally original, Alan Davis-inspired cosplay I comped them a Cool Jerk book. They returned a few minutes later and bought another one. (I initially thought she was Queen Meggan from a different timeline/dimension from that of Marvel’s 616 but hey, how about I get a little bit more geeky whaddyasay?)
And I figure I should end with a… I’m… I’m not even sure what I’m looking at. Yes, that’s the Riddler, but…
Monica shared my bewilderment at the 400% scale, hyperrealistic, bawling babyhead woman.