FREE Doc Splatter books at Keen Halloween!
If you’re within a day’s drive of Phoenix/Tempe this weekend (Saturday, Sept. 29), consider attending Keen Halloween. It’s a first-ever Halloween faire/workshop/shopping extravaganza put together by Daniel and Dawna Davis of Steam Crow. It’s an all-day affair with various vendors and visionaries, all with a focus on how to make Halloween the best holiday it can be. There’ll also be live music (!) and no shortage of fun.
This is Daniel’s pet project. He had an idea for a “Halloween convention” last year and he built this show from the ground up. I’m sure you’re familiar with his art, humor and creativity. I’m certain Keen Halloween will be well worth your attention.
And you know… it’s just not Halloween without Doc Splatter. Check out Keen Halloween’s interview with The Doc here!
The Doc will most definitely have his Ominous Omnibus on-hand for consumption, as well as Canvas Panels and other Cool Jerk books and stuffs. SPECIAL DEAL: FREE DOC SPLATTER OMINOUS OMNIBUS when you buy another item on the table priced $6 or more. We all know The Doc is crazy… but THAT’S INSANE!!
So do come by, bring some folding money and an empty idea bucket. And also, bring a camera; this marks the first time Doc Splatter will be seen in public since Halloween 1992.

Here's the map I'll be using to get there!
Keen Halloween is at the New School for the Arts & Academics in Tempe, AZ. Follow @keenhalloween and @steamcrow for updates, live Tweets and general amusing musings.
We’re so glad you’re coming, Paul!
Wow, 20 years since the last Doc Splatter sighting? That will be a most memorable sight!